Sunday, June 23, 2019

Keep Those Receipts

Most of you all may have heard or even have seen advertisements for an app called Ibotta. This app is amazing! I have used it for about a year now and look at my earnings!

How it works:
  • Sign up either through the app or website (Ibotta)
  • Customize your list of favorite places to shop
  • Add offers for money back on items you already purchase 
  • Scan receipts 
  • Earn cash back!
  • Withdraw cash either through gift cards from a list of retailers or via PayPal. ($20 minimum withdraw)

There are all kinds of ways to earn money through this app. Some tips I have learned throughout the past year are:

Make sure to always search "any item."
There is usually generic cash back offers for any item and any brand items such as milk or bread. These may only be 25 cents, but every little bit adds up. 

Any item search

Bigger name brands have more cash back. For example I buy my baby formula from Sam's Club and had a cash back offer of $3 per container for up to 3 containers.

Example showing bonus offer.

Also make sure to scan through and look at the bonuses. These vary and usually are brand based. An example would be the Malt O Meal cereal bonus. Once you redeem so many offers (usually 2) then you get an additional bonus. So let's say you get a .50 offer on a 32oz bag or bigger and you use it twice while the bonus is being offered.  You then would get an additional $1 bonus for redeeming the offers. (This is just an example.)

Don't forget to link your store rewards cards.  Some stores such as Kroger let you link your account for automatic redemption of offers added. There is no need to scan your receipt, although I would recommend checking back in a day or two to make sure your cash back was added. 

Make sure you check for new offers frequently. If you have a grocery list, just search items before you go to make sure you aren't losing out on extra cash. 

My husband and I both have accounts because we each get different offers. We just check with each other to see which account we should submit our receipts to in order to get the most cash back. This method and app has paid for our $100 Sam's Club membership for two years now. I just wait until I have $50 to withdraw and get it in a gift card, which is emailed to me. 

Spread the word and refer your friends! You both make money! Once you redeem your first offer after signing up, you get $10 just for using the app! Referral bonus changes as they run different promotions, but can sometimes be up to $50!!!

Example of teammates 

Once you have referred friends and they sign up using your code, then they become part of your team. Your team can also earn bonuses depending on how many offers you collectively redeem.

Example of teammate bonus

Again, I can not stress enough how amazing Ibotta truly is. A free app that gives you cash back on items you would purchase anyway, what are you waiting for?


Hello all and welcome to my new blog, "Two Cent Tips."

Foggy Country Morning View

I am a mom to a family of four living off of one income, which has taught me to be more frugal than I used to be.  I live on ten acres and through much research have found different ways to utilize our land and still survive comfortably.  I would love to share with you all what we as a family have learned and share our method to the madness!

This blog will include my favorite products, recipes, apps, money saving tips, animal care information I have accumulated throughout my many years as a veterinary technician, as well as, my zoology degree and much much more!

I hope you enjoy following along as much as I enjoy spreading my two cents.